Laravel includes a variety of functions for manipulating string values. Many of these functions are used by the framework itself; however, you are free to use them in your own applications if you find them convenient.
Available Methods
__ class_basename e preg_replace_array Str::after Str::afterLast Str::apa Str::ascii Str::before Str::beforeLast Str::between Str::betweenFirst Str::camel Str::charAt Str::chopStart Str::chopEnd Str::contains Str::containsAll Str::endsWith Str::excerpt Str::finish Str::headline Str::inlineMarkdown Str::is Str::isAscii Str::isJson Str::isUlid Str::isUrl Str::isUuid Str::kebab Str::lcfirst Str::length Str::limit Str::lower Str::markdown Str::mask Str::orderedUuid Str::padBoth Str::padLeft Str::padRight Str::password Str::plural Str::pluralStudly Str::position Str::random Str::remove Str::repeat Str::replace Str::replaceArray Str::replaceFirst Str::replaceLast Str::replaceMatches Str::replaceStart Str::replaceEnd Str::reverse Str::singular Str::slug Str::snake Str::squish Str::start Str::startsWith Str::studly Str::substr Str::substrCount Str::substrReplace Str::swap Str::take Str::title Str::toBase64 Str::toHtmlString Str::transliterate Str::trim Str::ltrim Str::rtrim Str::ucfirst Str::ucsplit Str::upper Str::ulid Str::unwrap Str::uuid Str::wordCount Str::wordWrap Str::words Str::wrap str trans trans_choice
Fluent Strings
after afterLast apa append ascii basename before beforeLast between betweenFirst camel charAt classBasename chopStart chopEnd contains containsAll dirname endsWith excerpt exactly explode finish headline inlineMarkdown is isAscii isEmpty isNotEmpty isJson isUlid isUrl isUuid kebab lcfirst length limit lower markdown mask match matchAll isMatch newLine padBoth padLeft padRight pipe plural position prepend remove repeat replace replaceArray replaceFirst replaceLast replaceMatches replaceStart replaceEnd scan singular slug snake split squish start startsWith stripTags studly substr substrReplace swap take tap test title toBase64 transliterate trim ltrim rtrim ucfirst ucsplit unwrap upper when whenContains whenContainsAll whenEmpty whenNotEmpty whenStartsWith whenEndsWith whenExactly whenNotExactly whenIs whenIsAscii whenIsUlid whenIsUuid whenTest wordCount words
The __
function translates the given translation string or translation key using your language files:
echo __('Welcome to our application');
echo __('messages.welcome');